What Does Your Soul Look Like?
I’m trying to create a piece of interactive art. Can you help by drawing something? It should only take 5 minutes.
Read moreI’m trying to create a piece of interactive art. Can you help by drawing something? It should only take 5 minutes.
Read moreThe Hierarchy of Digital Distractions
Read moreAccording to the United Nations 170,000 square kilometers of forest is destroyed each year. If we constructed solar farms at the same rate, we would be finished in 3 years.
Read moreGood Magazine is good. It’s a non-profit mag with a powerful eco-sustainability-we-can-do-this-together vibe. And when you subscribe, they give your money to charity!
Read moreWith the help of the excellent Guardian Datastore, we’ve been tracking Swine Flu (“novel H1N1 virus”) as it creeps across the globe and starts to feeds into the autumnal ‘flu season. There are some surprising results.
Read moreHere’s a visualisation of time travel plots in various films and TV programs. I had a lot of fun doing this!
Read moreRevisited If Twitter Was 100 People with some interesting new data
Read moreBillions spent on this. Billions spent on that. What does it all look like? Hopefully The Billion Dollar Gram will help.
Read moreMind-opening viz from Td Architects in Holland. I didn’t know about the Schengen ‘Wall’.
Read moreI’ve been playing with Google Insights. It’s a great toy. It measures ‘search intensity’. The number of searches being made for a certain term.
Read moreWatch out! A timeline of global media scare stories.
Read moreVery good infographic from the New York Times conveys the dwindling death knells of the music industry. Analysts give it 10 years.
Read moreHow much will your Double Frozen FrapMochaChino add to both your bulge and your buzz?
Read moreVolte face! I take back every moan I’ve emitted about The Guardian’s treatment of data. Especially now the Reduce Your Chances Of Dying In A Plane Crash image won their visualisation competition.
Read moreSizes of movie monsters compared. I thought they missed out The Blob though. The Blob got pretty big towards the end.
Read moreI found this image on a far-flung tumblr. It really got me excited. What a cool map of drugs.
Read moreIt’s an advertising machine.
Read moreUK troops have been taking a pummelling in Afghanistan in the last few months. 2009 has been the worst year of the conflict for the UK army. 54 soldiers killed killed in action, 45 very seriously wounded.
Read moreThese are the latest Swine Flu figures, now hotwired to the Guardian’s. When they update, this’ll update automatically.
Read moreThere’s quite a big discussion about this on Flickr.
Read moreI felt alienated from The Guardian’s graphic about stockpiles of nuclear weapons. Was there a better way to depict the data?
Read moreA round-up and mash-up of data on fatal plane accidents. Cross-referencing the data (unscientifically) reveals the statistically most dangerous flights to take.
Read moreA little mash-up of drugs use figures and world happiness ratings.
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