The World Data-Visualisation Prize – A $50K Creative Challenge

We’ve launched a creative dataviz challenge in partnership with the World Government Summit.

The focus is past, present and future – of society, of governments, of populations. What trends could we learn from? What’s happening now? What does the future hold?

We’re supplying the datasets and concepts. You provide data-visualizations, infographics or interactives that tell a story or reveal something interesting about the data.

Winners will receive cash prizes of up to $25,000 from a total prize pot of $50,000K!

They’ll also have their work exhibited at the summit in Feb 2023.

Closing date is Feb 1st 11:59 AST.

» More info, FAQs and submission details

the datasets

Visualise one or all three. Start here

1) What Just Happened? The Last 10 Years

A global data snapshot of the last ten years (2010-2020 due to pandemic). What’s improved? What’s gone supernova? Conversely what’s struggled? Where did we need to pay more attention?

2) Dashboard of the Present Future

Every organisation, not least governments, need to be able to see how well they, their nation, and their populace are doing. Design us a data display / dashboard for this purpose. What metrics do we need to see?

3) The Future of Frontiers

What key factors & drivers might shape the society, government and citizens of the future? Tracking innovations in adaptation, public services, and social technology.

Make sure you check out the concepts and creative direction here

Good luck, look forward to seeing what you come up with…

» More info, FAQs and submission details