New! Pre-Recorded ‘Create Impactful Infographics’ Trainings

Recordings of our sell-out infographic workshops are now available to download on-demand!

Perfect if you missed out on a 2020 ticket, are in a far-flung timezone, or just want to learn in your own time.

This is an edited, optimised version of our virtual Zoom training day: a technicolour mix of presentation, techniques & exercises on a concept-driven approach to visualisation by IIB founder and author, David McCandless.

The core-content remains the same (just minus Q&As, feedback sessions and a design thinking class). 

Two live Q&A Zoom sessions are scheduled this year as part of the package. Plus you get access to a unique chart tool.

Read the reviews, find out more about pricing and download the workshop here

(N.B. We’ll be starting live training events again from Feb 2021 onwards)