Invest in Knowledge is Beautiful!

Exciting news! The US edition of our latest, lovely, lush infographic book, Knowledge is Beautiful, is out today. A collection of 196 of our best visualisations and a personal two year labour of love and intricate graphisme.

Buy links: Amazon US | Barnes & Noble

If you can’t wait, you can also grab an iPad version instantly via Apple iBooks.

If you like our work and all things beautiful, please consider buying a copy. It would be a great support.

We’re an entirely independent outfit. We’ve no corporate sponsors. No venture capital behind us. We take no advertising. We’re funded solely from sales of books, pdfs & art prints. And David’s occasional turns on stage..

We have outrageous plans afoot for more awesome, beautiful useful graphics, great hand-crafted data, and interactive visualisations that’ll unbox truth and clarity for everyone.

So feel free to invest in a copy of our tome. We appreciate your support.