This weekend, Apple’s developer site was hacked. 275,000 logins, passwords and other records potentially compromised. Two days before that, popular open-source operating system Ubuntu had its forums hacked. 1.82 million records stolen.
Are those big data breaches? Or just pin-points in the big data universe?
Explore our interactive dataviz of the World’s Biggest Data Breaches and find out.
We’ve pulled out the interesting and funny stories out of the data. Click on the bubbles to read.
quick analysis
Using the filter on the dataviz reveals a few interesting patterns.
- Academic & financial institutions seems to have tightened their security since the mid 2000 – or become less attractive targets
- Gaming sites, cumulatively, account for the biggest data breaches
- Healthcare is truly truly leaky – a very worrying trend – with over 50% of the breaches coming from stolen or lost computers
- Accidental publishing seems to be a growing trend – recently with Facebook granting inadvertant access to 6 million records
If we’ve missed any big breaches, please let us know or comment underneath the viz.