I found this image on a far-flung tumblr. It really got me excited. What a cool map of drugs.

(If you are the author of this image, please get in touch. I had a look but couldn’t find you) The original author is Derek Snider (thanks to Waldir for the find)
I thought the type could do with a bit of sprucing. So I had a bosh at it myself. Knowing a little about drugs, I also rejinked the categories some. And added captions for the narcotically-naive in the audience. (Click for the hi-res)
I like the way Cannabis comes out as a SUPER DRUG. The only stimulating-hallucinogenic depressant with anti-psychotic properties. And it grows out of the ground!
Of course, it’s not the complete picture. The more obscure drugs have been filtered out. (If any obvious ones have been missed out, please let me know.) Also complex classes and sub-classes of chemicals have been merged. I’m sure Alexander Shulgin is spitting out his 1,3,7-trimethylxanthine as we speak…